Club Activities

woolen MGames
Do you or someone you care about, like to play pepper, euchre, bridge, bingo, or cribbage? How about line dancing?
If yes, that’s good to hear because our club members have a chance to play and have fun each weekday afternoon.
Each week we play:
Mon – Pepper… 1 p.m. $2 a game
Tues – Euchre…1 p.m. $2 a game
Wed -Bridge….. .1 p.m. $2 a game
Thurs – Cribbage 1 p.m. $2 a game
Thurs – Mahjong 1p.m. $2 a game
Fri – Pepper 1 p.m. $2 a game
Fri – 0930 a.m. $2 a morning Making water-resistant mats and woolen hats for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness. Free coffee and tea.
Fri – Bingo 1 p.m. $6 a game

Line Line Dancing
Dancing is a great way to be active and laugh with friends at the same time.
Regular class – Thursdays 09.30 to 11.00 a.m.
$5.00 each session
First session is free. If you want to return, join the club for $10.00 annual fee.
call instructor to register –Jan Kelly at 519-736-5307

Luncheons and Christmas Dinner
Sitting down and sharing a meal with friends is an enjoyable way to start the afternoon.
Each spring, we have a ham and meatball dinner. In the summer we have a BBQ and in the fall we celebrate Oktoberfest. Each of these meals is held at noon and our members often bring a desert. The club charges $8 per member and it’s buffet style.
At Christmas, we celebrate with a lovely turkey dinner. You get a break on the price because the club pays the majority of the cost of the ticket. If that’s not enough to catch your attention, how about the fact that after dinner, we give away a lot of door prizes. It’s a lot of fun and we hope to see you there.

Community Services CommunityUpdated (March 2023) Supporting the Community
When we support our community, we help our neighbours, friends, families, and ourselves.
We support our community by:
- Providing water-resistant mats, and hats to people in need.
- Advocating with town council on behalf of our members.
- Sharing community news with our members.
- Each November, donating a wreath to Local Branch 157 of the Royal Canadian Legion Fort Malden.
- Collecting and donating old and unused prescription eye glasses. In 2018/2019, we provided 5 large cartons of glasses to a Lyon’s Club volunteer member who sorts, assesses, and ships them to people in need around the globe.
- Supporting Amherstburg businesses by buying local.
- Making charitable donations on behalf of our members. Most recently we donated to the Windsor Cancer Centre, Transition to Betterness, and the Windsor Hospice. In addition to the above donations, making a monetary donation to a charitable organization on behalf of any member that passes away. The most recent (may 2022) donation was made to the Alzheimer’s Society.
- Each year we organize donations for the Amherstburg Community Services (ACS) local school student lunch program.
- Participating in the Town of Amherstburg’s Healthy and Active Senior Expo each June.
- Contributing to the Town’s Rivertown Light Festival to help off-set the cost of maintaining displays.
- Donating money to the town’s Food and Fellow mission to help with their food bank.
- Donating money to help the Amherstburg Community Services provide school lunches to at risk elementary students (giving $1650 in 2024).